
Thursday, April 11, 2013

PSY Flops; New Single "Gentleman" Fails to Out-Deliver Gangnam

When Korean superstar PSY announced the release of a new single called "Gentleman", we were slightly excited to see what new hit he would cook up. When the single leaked earlier today, we were extremely disappointed with the results. "Gentleman" fails to reach anywhere near the success of "Gangnam Style". The sound is off, the beat isn't amazing and the lyrics are just a jumbled mess. We weren't super happy with "Gangnam Style" to begin with, so in our opinion this new song is a random, trashy shot in the dark. The real question is: "Why is it so bad?" Our guess is PSY didn't have enough ideas to save the song when he announced he was retitling it and reworking it so that it wouldn't offend people of the Arab world.

Bottom-Line: A flop; major waste of time; a horrible miss; not worth the listen.
Rating: 2/10


  1. this blog is 2/10

  2. We are sorry you feel that way. This is just reflects our opinion.
